Proverbs 24:12

"...once our eyes are opened we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Grandma "posts"

I haven't actually asked my Mom if I may just copy her words into this post, but she's written the news well

Here’s the latest on the plans to bring our grandchildren home from Ethiopia:

We were quite disappointed to learn that Sherri and Berny would be traveling to Ethiopia the exact same dates as our mission trip to Boothville, LA. This meant that we would not be able to help them by taking care of B, Ic, M, A, Eand G while their parents traveled to Ethiopia. Although Sherri tried to change the dates, it wouldn’t work out. So they began to think about who could step in and take care of the farm and their other six children while they go to get Mo, Ed and L. I just kept thinking about the words that Sherri has said over and over to me during the whole adoption process. Each time I said, “But Sherri, what about……….?” She would reply to me, “Mom, God knows what we need; He will take care of it.” And He DID!!! God has supplied ALL of their needs during these past several months – including money, a 12 passenger van, beds, dressers, clothing, school desks, bedding, etc, etc, etc!!!

Now, once again we see God’s wonderful plan! Berny’s brother and sister-in-law, Clarence and Judy Slomp, are flying to Michigan from Alberta, Canada to step in and be “house parents” for the week that Berny and Sherri are in Ethiopia. Isn’t that just a wonderful and amazing answer to our prayers?!! I can’t tell you how thrilled we are to see this wonderful answer to our prayers!!

Thank you for praying with us for God to work out all the details for this adoption. Our hearts are thrilled with PRAISE AND THANKS!!

Giving thanks & praise to God,
Erv & Pat

Please continue to pray for Berny & Sherri as they journey to Ethiopia – and also for their children here and in Ethiopia. Especially pray for Mo, Ed and L as they make the huge adjustment of leaving the orphanage and all that is familiar to them and join a family in MI whom they do not know.


Judy said...

Hello Sherri's mom and dad!
I certainly hope I get to meet you THIS TIME we're down in Big Rapids!

I know we'll be honoured to meet Uncle Bob at the airport! :-)

Best wishes on your mission trip!

Pat Naber said...

Clarence & Judy - We plan to see you as soon as we return. How wonderful that you are such a vital part of God's plan in this adoption process! Our hearts are running over this praise and thanks!
Pat & Erv